Lorna is doing pretty good. She is walking much better and hasn’t yelped in a few days! She has lost her appetite and doesn’t want her dog food anymore, which is weird because this only came about roughly 2 days ago?
Her incision is healing but I noticed her elbow on her good leg is swollen a little bit?
We took her outside yesterday and she did her FAVORITE thing…..laid in the back yard in the evening sun and watched the birds. We had company over from Cali and we told her that Lorna has not been this happy this the surgery.
I also noticed Lorna doesn’t want to come towards me when I call her. She used to come right over and sit by my feet, now she looks at me and either walks away or doesn’t move? Like I say, its been ups and downs. I leave for Seattle (work) morning morning and my fiance will be taking care of Lorna by herself. I feel horrible but there is nothing else we can do.
I don’t know where to put her for our honeymoon in a few weeks? The kennel is usually good with her but she hates it, she will hate it EVEN more now. Its tough. 9 days post-op —- at least I can its better then day 2 or 3 post-op.
Thanks all. Enjoy the weekend
oh lorna, maybe you just over did it a bit to make your other leg swell. we recommend a double regiment of medicinal naps. nap – treat -nap – treat. repeat this as necessary. maybe someone can come live with you in your house for your honeymoon, that would be swell, eh?? remember…..nap – treat – nap – treat…
charon & gayle
Favorite things are always good, makes up for all the weird going on with them. Tate would just stare at me, stare right through me. Which of course, I interpreted with all kinds of deep psychological meaning, which of course Rick found hilarious. So don’t worry or feel bad if Lorna doesn’t come to you. She just plain doesn’t feel like it right now but soon she will be bounding to you.
Chili Dawg didn’t touch his regular dog food for well over 2 weeks. The vet said it was his antibiotic that made him not want it, so as that ran out, his appetite for his dog food came back. Until it came back, we fed him “human” food- chicken, turkey, cooked ground beef, apples with peanut butter. It is most likely the medicine. As Chili came off of his pain killers he got more and more “lovey” with us- his old self. Don’t take it personally.
Hang in there Lorna. Chili’s right, those meds make us do weird things like turn down food and ignore affection. But things do get better (especially because yah, that real human food is the BEST!). Recovery just takes longer for some pups than others.
As for where to put you when it’s time for the kennel, you should see if there’s a post-surgery boarding kennel somewhere near you like this one in Colorado we wrote about.
Come on Lorna, stay on course to make your folks happy again OK? We’re cheering you on too.