Half a step back?

The past few days we have noticed Lorna has had a limp on her back leg. We wasted no time and went to our Vet. He said this isn’t uncommon and due to Lorna using new muscles and adjusting to her new way of life, sometimes muslces get over worked, tweaked, etc. He also didn’t rule out cancer returning but told us that shouldn’t be the top thing on our mind.

Either way he said X-Rays wouldn’t help. They wouldn’t help because even if it was cancer coming back….what can we do? Nothing. She has gone through enough and we just got to keep her comfortable and relaxed.

He put her on anti-inflamitory meds and said to keep have her stay on it only because we (the owners) should just keep her as happy and comfortable as possbile. We didn’t want the pain meds only because thats when (as we all know) our pups become zomies and they lose their personality.

Anyway, she is better, still limping but it doesn’t seem to bother her as much. No yelps late at night so we are happy.

For now….all is good 🙂

3 thoughts on “Half a step back?”

  1. Keep your head up. Roxy has “tweaked” her hind leg three separate times in the last year. It’s heart wrenching, I know. And you can’t help but worry. Trust me, I’m the master worrier. But Lorna will pull through. The meds making her a zombie could really be a good thing for a few days because it will keep her off her leg, giving it a chance to heal.

    Give her hugs.


  2. Poor Lorna 🙁 I’m going to go with recommending medicinal naps, because that’s what etgayle would recommend, and she’s usually right about those, plus naps are just good anyway. Hang in there!

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